Once you’ve received a notice of default, the foreclosure process has begun, and you may find your foreclosure options are not as great as you would have hoped. Immediate response is essential whether you’ve just received the notice or if you are a homeowner who is a few days from foreclosure auction.
Foreclosure has a terribly negative impact on a homeowner’s credit score, and the first step to take is to contact your lender to discuss your foreclosure options and the possibility of slowing the foreclosure process. There are various foreclosure options you may have available to you. However, if you only have a few days before your foreclosure is complete, your best option is an investor. When you home is sold to an investor for cash, the close can occur in as little as a few days or less.
A loan modification or refinancing your loan may be an option, provided you have lender qualification. With a loan modification, your loan will be modified, lowering your monthly mortgage payments. Should you opt to refinance your home, your lender will need to approve the refinance.
A short sale is also an option, and one that will need to be approved by your lender. With a short sale, your lender will accept less than the mortgage balance, allowing you to sell your home quickly for below market value.
If time is running out, working with an established real estate investment firm who will buy your house for cash will likely be your best option for a fast sale, avoiding the damaging impact of a foreclosure on your credit score.