Your first step in finding your dream Coachella Valley neighborhood is to get pre-approved for a loan. Being pre-approved allows you to know the amount of home you can shop for, eliminating homes priced out of your buying range, while not missing homes you thought were.
Work with a Realtor
When viewing Coachella Valley homes for sale, it is easier to work with a realtor who is a local specialist. A Coachella Valley real estate agent who specializes in the area will have expertise, such as knowing which communities are the safest, offer the most amenities, are the most convenient and know the market.
A neighborhood that offers an easy, direct commute generally offers a more ideal living lifestyle for the homeowner. Think about the distance and time in your vehicle you’ll spend each day traveling to and from work, to entertainment areas and shopping and dining venues.
Do not forget to consider community amenities when buying in a La Quinta neighborhood. Think about your routine, what you like to do, where you like to go, and so on. Be sure that the neighborhood offers the opportunity to do what you like.
Level with Your Lifestyle
Be sure the neighborhood is level with your lifestyle. For instance, if you are single you likely won’t find a neighborhood with young families or retirees all that attractive. On the flip side, one with many activities like pubs and nightlife may be one that offers more options. If you have school aged children, then a neighborhood with good schools will be a top priority.
Take plenty of drives around neighborhoods you and / or your real estate agent think are a good fit. Pay attention to the homes, the vehicles, the amenities like parks, recreational venues and community clubs, and get plenty of information on the neighborhood to ensure it is the right La Quinta neighborhood.